We are making a diagnosis of client’s problems and solving them with ready to go solutions

Executive Diamonds is a group of like minded Executive who come together to create the Executive Diamonds’ Weekend Out (EDWO). Executive Diamonds’ Weekend Out (EDWO) is a get away weekend (Friday to Sunday) in Lagos, Nigeria for leading professional ladies/women to train, workshop and experience new developments around Work-Life Balance.
New Concepts in Work Life Balance for the Feminine Gender
Enhancing Productivity through Proactive WLB
Facing the Future with Clarity
How ‘Executive Diamonds’ Attain Stretched Goals
Networking, Networking, Networking
Experience Sharing, Story Telling, Dance, Games etc.

Real Life Talk with Executive Diamonds is a one hour (1h) Talk show that features successful ladies; Sharing their stories and Experiences.
These are series where EDs tell their career success and failure stories. We also invite top notch guests to share their life experience..

Talent Development
No one is better at running your business than you, so why not stick to what you do best?
Hiring staff is an investment in your company’s growth and we treat it that way. And if your HR people are already wearing too many hats, we can save you — and them — time and money so you’ll have more time to serve your customers. Talents and Skills Staffing can save you time, money and wasted efforts.
At Hannah & Associates Ltd, We help businesses secure the very best talent for temporary jobs, entry-level & senior-level positions and permanent positions.

We will love to hear from you. Feel free to send a message and we will get back to you.